My Life as A River

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Infinite Tears

after a cry of ashen tears
I plunge into reflections
on my exhausted back—
ripples of time phase
into dribbles of glow
I liquify beyond
sunken mists of night
drinking it all in
luminescent cocktails
of stars and plankton
the reminiscence
of my faint origins
inside nebulas of light


electrified in trembling
voltages of the night
I roll myself over
to gaze into your eyes
smoldering as
lanterns of fireflies
hanging in lonesome
drafts of northern sky
breathing deep secrets
of each other’s emotion
we cuddle in forgiving
webs of revenant passion
sharing waters of life


bathing in this radiance
of our pouring lives
snared in your touch
I dance in circles
of eternal rolling waves
wrapped in soft moonlight
I reluctantly await
another tender farewell
in a warming rise
that fully absorbs me
to lift my cool vapors
into another fall of tears
upon your midnight grace