The Art of Ultimate Irony
Out of reach—out of touch—
a lost painting of Jesus Christ
believed to be—Salvator Mundi
mastered by Leonardo da Vinci
auctioned in 2017 for well-nigh
—half a billion dollars
trying to buy happiness from the art
born of a master’s miraculous hart
with things that moth and rust corrupt
a peaceful grace of oil upon panel
brushing flows of sanctified artistry
with the majesty of divine humility
becomes a treasure locked in a vault
bound in a paradox of words and art
Words of a Sermon on the Mount—
For where your treasure is
there your heart will be also. And—
No one can serve two masters…
You cannot serve God and wealth.
Art begs a question of ultimate irony—
What master should we invest in?
The real prophet — or a real profit
Lovingkindness is an asset that can never be purchased.
(Matthew 6:19-21, 24)