Foreign Lights

restorative sparks of foreign stars
seek out curious hearts and minds
in family nebulas of our distal earth
but some will fizzle in darker mists
—of our selfish misgivings


all our cosmic miracles of science
fused together at illimitable costs
open apertures to dazzling visions
waiting far beyond paltry shelters
—in our comfortable now


as we assemble wide telescopes
to unmask ancient eyes of space
born far beyond our reckonings
they await silently—to observe
—everything we make of us


they may see in all our investments
that we still fail to clearly grasp
in bounds of our own inner space
a myriad of priceless secret lights
—that could ultimately save us


masses of clustered stars guard
frontiers of our understanding
and then patiently wait upon us
to become a bit more like them
—if we boldly seek together


as they glow in a serene wilderness
flung upon billions of lightyears
and ignited within ancient wombs
of our forbearing mother universe
—I pray they still wink at us




One Gift