Inspiring Links I Depend On

C.M. Lansche Images — The exceptional outdoor and wildlife photography of Charlie Lansche keeps me going in my darkest of times.

R.C. Oakley Photography — Rod Sorenson, is a very dear friend who expresses his outdoor talent in photography as I do with writing.

Richard Bullough Photography — Another inspiring photographer and mentor to me as I served on the Summit County Board of Health.

Barbara K. Richardson — An acclaimed and published local author and dear friend who gave me the courage to put my writing out there!

Jan Perkins Art — A close friend whose paintings of local farm scenes and western art bring peaceful joy and needed rest to our hectic lives.

Bristlecone Firesides — An exceptional earthy blog by a good friend who perfectly melds words and authentic stewardship with spirituality.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints — An friendly and welcoming resource inviting everyone to come and find peace in Jesus Christ.

LDS Action Team — An LDS Chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby. A worldwide group promoting climate protection and stewardship.

LDS Earth Stewardship — An amazing group that honors the Creator by living and testifying of gospel principles of earth stewardship.

LDSES Resource Library — The most comprehensive LDS resource library on the Creation and honoring of the Creator through Stewardship.

Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance — A faith-based movement promoting environmental stewardship and conservation action.

Mormon Women for Ethical Government — Women of faith, building a more peaceful, just, and ethical world. This group is simply inspiring!

Family Search — The best place to discover and explore your ancestral roots and learn more about what makes you into the person you are.

Summit Land Conservancy — A great nonprofit that protects sensitive and agricultural lands in Summit County through conservation easements.

South Summit Trails Foundation — A worthy nonprofit trails organization that promotes health and heals darkness by bringing nature closer.

Local Trails Map — A variety of hiking, biking, and equestrian trails in the Kamas Valley and Park City areas of Summit County as shown on Trail Forks.

Oakley City — My sacred mountain home and the place where I learned how to be a volunteer. Also, they have the best Rodeo in the U.S.

Connect Summit County — An incredible organization helping our community educate and find mental and emotional health resources.

JustServe — An unique resource to help organizations and volunteers come together to do good things for their community and themselves.

Water for People — A global nonprofit that helps people bring clean water and sanitation solutions to needful third-world communities.

Latter-Day Saint Charities — A worldwide charity assisting with healthcare, clean water, sanitation, food, clothing, maternal, and refugee services.


“The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”
— Proverbs 11:25