My Haiku

My name is Douglas
I am a deep dark river—
anxious—but moving

My Haiku and Senryu are based upon the more liberal trends prominent in the "American Haiku.” Some may not necessarily conform to the Japanese standards, but they often fit my language and my rebellious style a little better. And while they may not be all about nature—they may be about my nature. Little thoughts are captured and sealed up within a random shell of nature or upon a couch of irrational madness. As my “Yoga” poetry—you will discover that many of these things introduce a theme or idea that is developed further in my larger works.
(Posts are numbered in time, with the most recent posting given the highest value and placed at the top of the page)

  • 349

    blue reflects our love
    as our deep flame drifts threatened
    by children of fire

  • 350

    life began in dreams
    drawn with pens of loving light
    we are God’s colors

  • 351

    in your darkest space
    hope yearns to embrace your plight
    touch my kiss of light

  • 352

    in your darkest room
    my spirit embraces you
    touch my kiss of light

  • 345

    warm fireside stories
    rise in acrid smudge brushed tears
    cries of mirth and fear

  • 346

    rusted rays of sun
    dye weary leaves in glimmer
    coloring my hope

  • 347

    we had everything…
    then devoured like starving swine
    —what if we were wrong

  • 348

    politics is loud
    truth rests gladly in quiet
    science is discreet

  • 341

    I’m way past my prime
    my hood’s tarnished and empty
    but my heart chugs on

  • 342

    I’m late September
    pressing sun’s vibrant colors
    in soft selfless leaves

  • 343

    they paid for a view
    looking down—while we look up
    —we were paid nothing

  • 344

    lies fume in chokes of
    sycophants and supplicants
    truth grows in forests

  • 337

    writer’s block happens
    as my inspired pilot light
    wanes in my self-doubt

  • 338

    when we were younger
    No Trespassing signs welcomed
    us—to unearth time

  • 339

    our young silliness
    greeted us as explorers
    we found our treasures

  • 340

    how can you doubt us
    when we walk in innocence
    bestowed by knowledge

  • 333

    My advice to men
    avoid all women poets
    breakups become tomes

  • 334

    If you’re labeled woke
    it simply means you’re awake
    now wake up our world!

  • 335

    Old age bares its shame
    when past seconds escape you
    and you need pill boxes

  • 336

    dawn’s silver dewdrops
    soak into my tranquil green
    cleansing dusts of sun

  • 329

    Eat, drink, and be merry
    fears of hard times drive us to spend
    for tomorrow we cry

  • 330

    I make things functional
    but working together as one
    she makes things beautiful

  • 331

    Poetries of love
    are mainly sad, stuffed in regret
    but she brings me gladness

  • 332

    Protect our dark sky
    she is the last wilderness
    resting over all

  • 325

    The next life will flood
    of stuff effortlessly finished
    then we will reach peace

  • 326

    My trails are covered
    in swallowtail butterflies
    sharing their painted paths

  • 327

    I have perfected
    a brew of morning meadow walks
    in chamomile tea

  • 328

    Rain carries my dark tears
    to deep soils of sympathy
    nourishing a rebirth

  • 321

    Beneath shady arms
    of old woke cottonwood trees
    dreams of futures escape

  • 322

    Diane’s green garden
    brings gladness to weary mouths
    with tastes of her love

  • 323

    Summer’s peak swelters
    are cooled by monsoon showers
    in still greyish moments

  • 324

    This life seems so loaded
    of stuff we fail to accomplish
    then depression unloads

  • 317

    How strange is our science
    when we devise complex machines
    instead of planting seeds

  • 318

    Trees storing carbon
    outlast sequestering machines
    science lies in forests

  • 319

    It’s easy to consume
    freedom, truth, justice, and peace
    much harder to create

  • 320

    Selfies filter us
    in blurs of social media
    building dysmorphia

  • 313

    A slab of smartphone
    can never replace a kind friend
    with heartfelt hands

  • 314

    If time can’t be trusted
    how can we solve world ills
    don’t mess with our clocks

  • 315

    the power of one dictator
    just gives him more power

  • 316

    Peaceful sunflowers
    drink the courage of the skies
    blinding out evil

  • 309

    Sinking breathless grasps
    feelings you misplaced your smartphone
    while talking on your phone

  • 310

    Phantom phone vibrations
    awaken your pants pocket
    as you text on your phone

  • 311

    Our brain’s dependence
    on intellects of our smartphone
    dumb indifferent minds

  • 312

    The dim dimensions
    in lonely palms of our hands
    only suck darkness

  • 305

    Perhaps the point of life
    is learning to love like breathing
    pure muscle memory

  • 306

    Pumping lungs recycle
    air words tears pain and water
    into vibrant futures

  • 307

    When your faith is wrung
    catch your breath at a waypoint
    in God’s foyer of love

  • 308

    Rest heals our wings
    layovers on long journeys
    will lighten the mind

  • 301

    Our viral death rates
    ranks highest on earth due to
    political death rates

  • 302

    How can we ever be
    vaccinated from our hubris
    and our own blind madness

  • 303

    Wherever you move
    will you stand up for something?
    or become a NIMBY?

  • 304

    Will you be the light?
    or will you absorb the night
    forgotten in time