Publications & Features

Aside from being published on blogs, contests, and recognized in many other Instagram poetry competitions, some of my poems and essays have been published in the following creative works and anthologies:

Daydreams & Lost Wishes:

A Poetic Reveries Anthology Paperback – March 21, 2023

by Jo Sexton, Emily R. Paget, and Casey Britton

This incredible work contains three (3) of my poems:

My Dream Within Dreams

Some Dreams Evolve

Some Dreams Die

Utah Lake Stories

In an effort to educate the public and local political leaders on the potential consequences of allowing development over Utah’s beloved Utah Lake, Torrey House Press published a beautiful and compelling chapbook and dedicated Web Page of choice authors who have addressed the environmental and social consequences of such a catastrophic possibility:

This amazing public web page is: Utah Lake Stories

My poem is titled: Reflections Upon Our Galilee

Reading event covered by the Daily Herald

Stay tuned for some poetry books I will publish soon…