My Giant Balloon

in a long soaring life
my deep imagination
hoists itself aboard
a giant hot air balloon
suspended beneath
a swelling heart of fire
my spirit is warmed
in cold airs of danger


awkward paths of sky
move slow—ahead
of mysterious breaths
in dawn’s lonely air
but courage shapes
every future course
in fickle grey spirits
floating as rivers of light


my ascending bubble
is festooned in stitched
swaths of my life
with colorful patches
donning every rainbow
hue—that paints its
fuzzy whispers of blue
in my pilot’s guidebook


I wish I knew more
and understood all—
the physics of nature
and invisible matter
the spirits that tether
my realms of reality
to the alabaster clouds
of a mystery beyond


my burning star rises
inevitable in the faith
of my kind parents
to lead me through
my tunnels of doubt
as I rely upon their
maps and compass
to conquer my search


the wind is my sail
the sun is my power
and as clouds shade
hot trials of my future
I sense new bearings
far beyond horizons
of my wandering life
in a vibrant firmament


I will attempt to follow
these glows of warmth
on ethereal spheres
bouncing off cold
vapors of stillness
and spirits of wonder
floating inside sky’s
graceful wilderness
on an endless poem
I am yearning to write


Religious Climate

