My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Every Creature
“God carved alabaster art out of dark space
a magnificent—reflective moon
to shine a standard of beauty and peace…”

Three Superpowers
“this divine therapy shaped me well—
three indomitable powers of time
molded into water, ice, and wind…”

Lest We Forget
“in the end—we realize we never noticed the beauty
—because we were too busy trying to create it “

Learning to Listen
“if you become lodged in cracks of despair
learn to listen to your quiet spirit’s guide
and it will bind you to a warmer paradise”

Be The Now
“peacemakers are artists of time
sculpting the present moment
as they brush over drab melancholy”
Photo and inspiration courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson rcoakley.com

Life is Hard
“long after all my enraged eruptions end
earthquake shudders soften into silence
penetrating diamonds of harsh hails hush”
Photo and inspiration courtesy of Charlie Lansche— lastchancegallery.com

Finding Poetry in My Depression
“and now—after many long—scribbled out years
stumbling over words with my heavenly creator
I have finally learned to humbly deal with it—
even through all its unexpected ebbs and flows”

The Digital Drain
“While effective in small unremitting measures, social media can quickly spread its hellish wreak into selfish indulgence, clothed in unbridled egocentric shadows of xenophobia, racism, misogyny, and narcissism. And after a daub of digital numbing—you will never seem to have enough virtual friends and followers.”