Tomorrows Are Everything

I trace the outline of unfinished edges
protecting a universe—we thought we knew
our eyes have stretched limits far beyond
our slender borders of theory or imagination
as we settle into our puniness and pettiness


past the shadow corridors of stuff—we create
inside walls of a dark vacuum—we paint in fear
we sit glued in a molasses of cold obsidian
dimensions of division, derision, and disdain
screaming past obscure causeways of courage
where knowledge ignites sparks of starry beauty


all our dreams of creation
pale in comparison
to God’s most trivial
fabrication of artistry
but if we burst from
our cocoons of ignorance
we could sail in cosmic awe
upon clouds of space
tracing the brightest
footsteps of our galaxies
upon our butterfly wings
of a magnificent purpose


as we gaze in telescopes spying yesterday
let’s not take our eye off the value of tomorrow
as little children on this speedway of infinity
never waste time or money improving our past
spend everything on improving our futures
with this universal science of love and hope


Rivers of Time


My Water of Life