My Poetry and Prose Blogology
We Are Starlings
A Tanka Poem about one of my favorite birds. May we always play our part in the endless murmurations of life—dancing as stars beneath endless stars…
Poetic Immortality
A Tanka poem that describes in simple and few words—the First Law of Poetry…
We could save so many lives, not to mention significant money, if we learned how to turn our deep-seated political anger and division into something peaceful. With some effort—such massive energy could become beautiful!
In the Candlelight
“the fire from the east
rising on dark lilac peaks
is warm—divine light”
Photo courtesy of Rod Sorenson
Inferno of Ignorance
“shaming climate change
smears our dreams with yellow guile
like lemonade skies”
“friendly ocean waves
swiftly expunge my footprints”
Photo courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson