My Poetry and Prose Blogology

I May Be Old, But We’re Still Young
“stars fall from heaven
before our love melts in time…”

“friends splash kind ripples…”
“frosted tinder sleeps
beneath winter’s crystal fangs…”
“in my winding
eroding passage
to the ocean of life…”
“I loved her calm warmth
cancer flung her beyond night…”
“with celestial force
she forged my heart of stone…”
“shattering dreams
of innocent hearts
only seeking light…”
autonomous proud
multiplying consuming dividing…”
“wake me from this hell
guarding my dark—lucid dream…”
“future haunts my mind
old squawks in rusting machines…”
“midwinter doldrums descend—
devouring colors…”
“stars fall from heaven
before our love melts in time…”
“betwixt me and thee
lies dark’s coldest—bleak abyss…”
“white gossamer wings
flowing on silken spirits
grace my stride with lights…”
“cold dormant forests
cuddle their offspring…”
“death is not an end of life
or forfeiture of opportunity…”
“our greatest blessing—
surpassing unbounded stars…”
“darkness bleeds
streaming tears of fear…”
“one last supermoon
paints cold naked shafts of fall…”
“her spirit whispers
to my lonely—fractured heart…”