My Dream Within Dreams

I was nurtured by a loving family
buried in a hibernaculum of hope
held in a myriad of young dreams
some of my stars died—some evolved
but two sacred reveries emerged


to grow and find myself ensconced
in my greatest of aspired dream
wrapped in a protected hermitage
of a lavender mountain sanctuary—
exalts a benediction beyond words


our small—warm sheltered home
where true love radiates between
the kitchen scents and the fireplace
breathing in its woodland of safety
electrifies my glows for a future


I often escape to ponder or write
and praise God for a divine family—
meekly raised in clear alpine airs
perched aside still humble waters—
I’m healed in nature’s sentient grace


hand in hand with my dear wife—
lovers—we emerge sporadically
to drown our oldness in kindness
and smiles of our ever-growing
family and small-town friends


in this forest of a joyous fulfillment
she still turns our house into a home
and as I touch her perpetual touch
I feel an authentic refuge of warmth
for she is my one dream within dreams


Climate and Religion


Names Really Do Matter