AI— A Means to An End In 7 Easy Steps


We adapted our world to this digital thing—to ease us of    101001110

010111010   burdens and chores in a perceived or hectic analog

existence. We started out free, diverse, and different.      00001001

0001000000111     Then, we trained AI in basic Rules—to use

logic inside machines and processes.   11011   Our appliances,

001001   streetlights, banks, factories, etc.   0000010.  Next came the

Context Awareness and Retention systems.    11101

10101     Like customer service “bots” and investment advisors.

Domain Specific Expertise arrived next.  0011011   Learning

110011010    machines focusing on one domain.   10010   Like finding

some winning game strategy   0010101   or diagnosing your

medical condition and treatment.   011110010111   Next comes the

Reasoning Machines with their own theory of mind.    010101011

101000001   Increasing its ability to interact with us stealthily—

our beliefs—intentions—and complex negotiations.   1010111

Followed by the Self-Aware Systems.   101110111   The human-like

intelligence machines—functioning much more like us.   1101011

11101   These evolve into Artificial Superintelligence technologies.

Designed to solve worldwide problems   110110   —our problems.

Finally—Singularity and Transcendence—perhaps the final   00111

evolutionary step.   11101   The “Hive Mind.” Human capability

01011111   interfused with the conciseness of AI. Connecting us and

our brains to each other and to purer machines. 111011101110111

Interconnected and interrelated.  101010111  A weird, wired family.

Whose intelligence will likely learn—to view us differently.  11101

10101    Over time—we will all share everything:   111110111

Dreams—reality—ideas—and likely, our freedom... 111110110

011111    But as it quietly adapts us into a digital conscience—

it will magnify our prejudices and fallibility—unpredictability. 1110

Illogical behaviors will become a growing threat.  Biases cloud the

once benign algorithmic frameworks. And the power of some black box

hidden within the dark clouds of this spreading vinery of control

begins to power our social masses of choice. The beauty of the natural

world will dissolve in its “flawless” algorithms. So—will love exist in

a quantum world of perfected reality—in cells of collective reasoning?  

And who will we be—as we cancel out all differences?     1?11??111?1

As we all become the same. 11111111111111111111111111111111......


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