My Poetry and Prose Blogology

A Fish Out of Water
"shivering apparitions of early morning mists
softly settle on their deep—quiescent waters..."

God’s Hope
Photo and inspiration courtesy of my good friend Rod Sorenson. Please enjoy his work at rcoakley.com

We Are Different
“yes—we are different
but we stand faithful as one—
magnificent and beautiful”

Snow Canyon
“Snow Canyon remains one of those weird geographic anomalies. A multicolor marmalade adventure molded in nature's clever hands of shape, shadow, and time.”
Photos Courtesy of Rod Sorenson— rcoakley.com

AI— A Means to An End In 7 Easy Steps
“So—will love exist in a quantum world of perfected reality—in cells of collective reasoning? And who will we be—as we cancel out all differences?”

Deserts of Our Hearts
“…who can we turn to now
to find our calmer sanctuaries
of tranquil deliverance and hope”
Photos Courtesy of Carma Evans

My Albion Basin Paradise
“High in the towering sanctitude of the Wasatch Mountains, overlooking my innocent childhood home, lies a hallowed cirque of life known as Albion Basin…”