Before and After

our love danced upon silver flocks of stars
long before time was ever contemplated
our spirits drank up clear living waters
gracing hope along shores of azure glass
peace embraced us on boundless walks
through prismatic meadows of flowers
love painted us in its undiscovered colors
over a vast canvas of galactic desolation


fresh emerald orbs in birthing sanctitude
carved their soft—hallowed hills for us
stark infant suns enlightened our minds
as warm divine light kindled our hearts
celestial orchestras infused their harmonies
of confidence with our immaculate innocence
we sketched a home on mountain dreams
as a new family waited for their safe beds


after twenty years of an arduous search
my promise eventually discovered your eyes
reflecting deep blue shadows of our past
our earthen time’s been fraught with challenges
but God’s miracle of timeless love—healed us


now we comb lost pages of eager silhouettes
to discover our anxious ancestors waiting
just like we patiently waited for each other


wandering as one into the other side of infinity
with all humanity—can feel a bit daunting
but as children of heaven—we find courage



