My Poetry and Prose Blogology
My Old Eyes
“now—as my old eyes fade into flint
to humbly close in a fading entropy
I hope to carry one precious virtue
to a never-ending world of spirits”
Before and After
“our love danced upon silver flocks of stars
long before time was ever contemplated”
We Are Starlings
A Tanka Poem about one of my favorite birds. May we always play our part in the endless murmurations of life—dancing as stars beneath endless stars…
Love Lies Beyond a Number
An Imayo poem for my love and hope that surpasses all our trivial counting of time! Photo of M51 spiral galaxy taken by Webb Space Telescope, courtesy of NASA.
Death of a Friend
“in exquisite displays of selfless light
they dance as one—but never really see
their shared splendor of calming grace”
My Water Cycle
“I love to watch the leaves change
then tumble into grass-wrapped fingers
of vibrant but obscure autumn streams…”
“when you begin to comprehend the gravity—
trillions of galaxies teeming in ancestral stars
illuminating you and the worlds without end”