My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Small Again
Short Poetry Doug W. Evans Short Poetry Doug W. Evans

Small Again

“there are times—I wish I could be small again
holding tight to azure dreams of an old friend
a mind—that once reliably waited on my voice
in dark partitions of my steely—spinning fears”

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My Water Cycle
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

My Water Cycle

“I love to watch the leaves change
then tumble into grass-wrapped fingers
of vibrant but obscure autumn streams…”

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Be The Now
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Be The Now

“peacemakers are artists of time
sculpting the present moment
as they brush over drab melancholy”

Photo and inspiration courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson

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Finding Poetry in My Depression
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Finding Poetry in My Depression

“and now—after many long—scribbled out years
stumbling over words with my heavenly creator
I have finally learned to humbly deal with it—
even through all its unexpected ebbs and flows”

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