The Forgotten Sanctuary

how does our mother earth feel—
when torn to shreds by weapons
of a power-hungry authoritarian
homes and families ripped apart
separated in black tears of filth
languishing in smokes of apathy
futile cries of homeless children
hushed between collapsed walls
twisted playgrounds of dying hope
pollutions flowing in its wreckage
consign a stench for generations
hate’s remediation is confounded
when dirty energy is the arbiter
so—we look up to a purer power
salvation lays its confidence on us
to climb above desolations of war
to learn from our selfish egotism
to reach families beyond borders
to offer our all—like mother earth
and as we discover a sacred home
we will see—she grieves like us
for she is perpetually a part of us
our refuge lies within each other


Dreams That Become Us


My Mother’s Hand