My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Open Borders
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Open Borders

I thought this poem appropriate considering the turmoil and suffering in Ukraine beginning last evening.
(photo by Carma Evans)

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Life in an Orogeny
Short Story Doug W. Evans Short Story Doug W. Evans

Life in an Orogeny

“Let this then become our vision—not unlike the ancients, to use only a small, yet an essential portion of its natural and encumbered generosity which has provided for so many other countless and hidden forms of life.”

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A Shrinking Lake of Memories
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

A Shrinking Lake of Memories

“But when I look upon her—I still see an endless home. Perched on vast grey wings of the unconditional love of all life—a perfect grace of water, earth, and sky…”

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