Deserts of Our Hearts

survival perches beyond anguish
upon ledges of this red desert
oblivious to any divergence
so merciless and insensitive
demanding perpetual loyalty
and bullying marmalade stone
within sore sandblasts of rage
burning out faith for healing rains


any springs of kind water hide
seeping shy—pumping sporadic
lamenting intolerant bondage
under hushed weights of earth
squeezing its nectar from rock
like long tears seeping in mossy
stains of subdued green slime
painting melting layers of grit
into this desert’s intransigence


each crumb of foliage nursed
strains in relentless sacrifice
shaping its soft emerald enigma
into tiny unwavering islands
as peripheral refuges of hope
with its resilience and courage
bound into beautiful havens
diverse life kneels protected
in secreted whispers of peace


so—who can we turn to now
to find our calmer sanctuaries
of tranquil deliverance and hope
for in angry changing climates
our world is turning into dunes
of parched self-absorbed sand
wrought by wavering winds
roasting us over fiery furnaces
of desert’s interminable spread
a drought that shrivels hearts


Peace Trails


What’s In a Name