My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Starfish Wishes
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Starfish Wishes

"merciless breakers of rolling rage
born beneath lost—lonely rainbows
churn deep colors into hoary froths..."

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Quiet Angels
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Quiet Angels

“there's a perpetual sadness stirring
the pure hearts of our whispering waters…”

Photo and inspiration courtesy of my good friend Rod Sorenson. Visit his Website at:

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The Nth River
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

The Nth River

“the final flows of our weary sky-blue rivers
turbid from stretches of exasperated erosion
stirred up in colors of boundless branches
will gracefully empty into an endless ocean”

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Tanka, Short Poetry Doug W. Evans Tanka, Short Poetry Doug W. Evans


We could save so many lives, not to mention significant money, if we learned how to turn our deep-seated political anger and division into something peaceful. With some effort—such massive energy could become beautiful!

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Sailing Upon Light
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Sailing Upon Light

“—I see myself as I look into her deep blue eyes
our hearts melt into clear embraces of eternity
as love rises in white clouds of a brighter hope”

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Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans


“my spirit likes to drift lost
in these liquid labyrinths
of finely carved nature”

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