My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Shores of Mercy
“Of all the dreams I could’ve dreamt—
I hesitated—tumbling numb into another
cavern—mined in my own bastions of fear…”

"you linger in dreams
immersed in a placid teal sea
protected in the chest of my heart..."

Small Again
“there are times—I wish I could be small again
holding tight to azure dreams of an old friend
a mind—that once reliably waited on my voice
in dark partitions of my steely—spinning fears”

Photo and inspiration courtesy of my good friend Charlie Lansche. Visit his Website at: lastchancegallery.com

We Are Starlings
A Tanka Poem about one of my favorite birds. May we always play our part in the endless murmurations of life—dancing as stars beneath endless stars…

Love Grows New Hope
An Imayo poem about moving on from the past and learning to embrace love's new hopes

My Dream Within Dreams
“I was nurtured by a loving family
buried in a hibernaculum of hope
held in a myriad of young dreams…”
Photo courtesy of my friend, Rod Sorenson. rcoakley.com

Dreams That Become Us
“trapped in places—we dared not venture
fixed in shapes—we risked not touch
arrayed in colors—we often ignored
traveling in lifestyles—we did not understand
and speaking in voices—we failed to hear”