My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Quiet Angels
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Quiet Angels

“there's a perpetual sadness stirring
the pure hearts of our whispering waters…”

Photo and inspiration courtesy of my good friend Rod Sorenson. Visit his Website at:

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Colors of War
Kimo, Short Poetry Doug W. Evans Kimo, Short Poetry Doug W. Evans

Colors of War

Wars are not a binary win-or-lose political decision. The children ALWAYS lose. And we will pay a price for a defenseless assault on their lives. Perhaps we should appoint them as the primary negotiators of peace.

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Be The Now
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Be The Now

“peacemakers are artists of time
sculpting the present moment
as they brush over drab melancholy”

Photo and inspiration courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson

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