Quiet Angels

there's a perpetual sadness stirring
the pure hearts of our whispering waters
that cuddle reflections of mirrored peace
like stones lobbed in deep sapphire pools
raucous voices spewing heavy dissonance
can enflame ripples that scatter outward
from a single glance of aberrant behavior
chaining reactions into turbulent trepidation
but the majority of kind—merciful people
will never be defined by loud—fiery anger
their strength and meekness are not gotten
in name-calling, prejudice, or contention
they do not condemn or hail down vulgarity
as bold explorers of truth—they loath power
and know suffering, sacrifice, and patience
every triumph secures an empathy and hope
as they seek for good in all people and things
these stark—selfless lights amass galaxies
and though their waters be troubled by time
they quietly love and care for the grieving
enduring hardships—ready to help—even if
they know not how—they quietly reach out—
their gentle waters reflect the epic beauty of
every hopeful and bright spirit on our planet
they walk in shadow realms as peacemakers
and we know them—as the children of God




Rivers Don’t Flow Straight