My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Children of Peace
“sculpting peace requires only a few small words
words mirrored in the divine gifts of happiness
but unleashed—fierce tongues spew evil spells…”

Hunger Hurts Hearts
“if your heart is hurting—avoid the machines—
social media, pundits, politicos, reality TV
prophets who mold nations on indignations…”

Starfish Wishes
"merciless breakers of rolling rage
born beneath lost—lonely rainbows
churn deep colors into hoary froths..."

Quiet Angels
“there's a perpetual sadness stirring
the pure hearts of our whispering waters…”
Photo and inspiration courtesy of my good friend Rod Sorenson. Visit his Website at: rcoakley.com

My Water of Life
“this is my greatest secret of life…”
Photo courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson rcoakley.com

Her Tears of Water
“I am free to pay water’s price in a bottle,
even if it’s more than 3,000 times greater
in cost— for a similar drink from a tap.”

“friendly ocean waves
swiftly expunge my footprints”
Photo courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson rcoakley.com

The Last Waters
“when we discover the gift
and drink from the ladle
of his deep cold sating well
we choose a strenuous path”