Shores of Mercy

Of all the dreams I could’ve dreamt—
I hesitated—tumbling numb into another
cavern—mined in my own bastions of fear
sprinkled with deep—debilitating doubts
I chase futile quartz veins of insecurity
that deliver me halfway—to nowhere


in a muck-splattered abyss of emptiness
rubbing a face greased in sweaty grime
I sink into its thick sludges of despair
and observe my ideas—slithering away
inside another hoary vapor of dissonance
descending into bottomless oblivion—I pray


again—in my darkest pit—she selflessly
rescues me with pure light and direction
calming my dank—drowning desperations
that boils in their lurch of frothing pride
in soft sandy steps erased by waters of life
time rolls its failures onto shores of peace


her touch of a divine marmalade sunset
whispers soft—endless panoramas of hope
and breathes out colors far beyond names
her sanctuary of boundless love absolves
I humbly repot—and complete my journey
to a land flowing with the poetry of friends


Diane has saved me again—from myself…


My Longest Poem

