The Last Waters

when we discover the gift
and drink from the ladle
of His cold deep sating well
we choose a vigorous path
a deeper course to realms of
living waters that restore
we walk—satiated with light
and undying love to rescue
from the perishing deserts
those sinking in dark chokes
or flames of personal hell


while trying to stay on a path
of the golden rule of kindness
cynics will choose to laugh
the inglorious, indignant, and
indifferent will decay desolate
into earth’s hackneyed soils
swallowed in barren tillage
melting away into an oblivion 
where worms consume dreams
of all—they once yearned for
drowning in wells of bitter water


if we overcome and remain true
clear softer hearts will flow
as rivulets—coursing into one
immense river—growing far
bringing power to good work
saving our weary planet from
the wilts of our prideful past
for beyond trials and triumphs
we will all gather in an ocean
of unity—to rest in still peace
on infinite seas of crystal glass


We Are All Stars


Three Essential Things