My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Warm Memories
A warm and timely Haiku. These golden drops of the sun will shortly become another memory of seasonal hope and love.
Photo courtesy of my dear friend Rod Sorenson, rcoakley.com

“when you begin to comprehend the gravity—
trillions of galaxies teeming in ancestral stars
illuminating you and the worlds without end”

I Am a River
“conspiracies are dark dams of shallow minds
but hope and light are soft falls of a deeper love”
Photo and inspiration courtesy of my friend Charlie Lansche CharlieLansche.com

Inferno of Ignorance
“shaming climate change
smears our dreams with yellow guile
like lemonade skies”

My Water of Life
“this is my greatest secret of life…”
Photo courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson rcoakley.com

Empathy Has a Shadow
“empathy graces soft beads of morning dews—nurturing
lonely gardens, colored in hope, light, faith, and confidence…”

We Are Different
“yes—we are different
but we stand faithful as one—
magnificent and beautiful”