My Poetry and Prose Blogology

My Refuge of Green
“evergreens huddle around my dark sorrows
quieting anxious tines of ravaging nerves
whispering their draught of greener spice
I breathe spellbound in a wilderness temple”

We Are Starlings
A Tanka Poem about one of my favorite birds. May we always play our part in the endless murmurations of life—dancing as stars beneath endless stars…

God’s Hope
Photo and inspiration courtesy of my good friend Rod Sorenson. Please enjoy his work at rcoakley.com

Love Grows New Hope
An Imayo poem about moving on from the past and learning to embrace love's new hopes

Poetic Immortality
A Tanka poem that describes in simple and few words—the First Law of Poetry…

Love Lies Beyond a Number
An Imayo poem for my love and hope that surpasses all our trivial counting of time! Photo of M51 spiral galaxy taken by Webb Space Telescope, courtesy of NASA.

Colors of War
Wars are not a binary win-or-lose political decision. The children ALWAYS lose. And we will pay a price for a defenseless assault on their lives. Perhaps we should appoint them as the primary negotiators of peace.

We could save so many lives, not to mention significant money, if we learned how to turn our deep-seated political anger and division into something peaceful. With some effort—such massive energy could become beautiful!

The Art of Building
“the art of building walls—is often an art of lies
hedges built to obscure plain and simple truths—”

Death of a Friend
“in exquisite displays of selfless light
they dance as one—but never really see
their shared splendor of calming grace”

In the Candlelight
“the fire from the east
rising on dark lilac peaks
is warm—divine light”
Photo courtesy of Rod Sorenson rcoakley.com

Sacred Attention
“after sleepless vermillion nights
wring us into sweats of silent screams
we pray for any consoling therapist”