My Haiku 201-300

  • 297

    You can’t graduate
    from schools where you learn to cheat
    like video games

  • 298

    A joke drifts benign
    if it is about yourself
    otherwise just listen

  • 299

    Sit on the green earth
    bow your head and close your eyes
    hear your soft green soul

  • 300

    Count all of the stars
    mutely giving night some light
    now count your soul words

  • 293

    Gods of selfish men
    will melt in their own fortunes
    lonely then forgotten

  • 294

    Moss lives in shadows
    absorbing northern moisture
    cool vapors of faith

  • 295

    Astounding always
    how our unforgiving spites
    welds our prison bars

  • 296

    Venoms of the tongue
    gossips brewing wicked cliques
    piercing fangs in flesh

  • 289

    Values in health—like
    coins tossed in fountains of hope
    rust in governments

  • 290

    Conspiracy drips
    like sweats on the face of doubt
    a nuisance to truth

  • 291

    I’m like the mushrooms
    confined in deep, dank darkness
    fed man’s manure

  • 292

    My starry expanse
    engulfs the forests of trees
    nursing my spirit

  • 285

    Texting with fat thumbs
    and no proof before sending
    could birth world wars

  • 286

    Social media
    windpipes of society
    choke up coughs of phlegm

  • 287

    Gasps in pollution
    tears of browning greenery
    suffocate reason

  • 288

    Stenches of power
    cloud horizon’s invention
    urgently needed

  • 281

    We become far stronger
    when we listen to one other’s
    once forgotten story

  • 282

    They become one with us
    when we answer one other’s
    prayer through our story

  • 283

    Who will wash the graves?
    tarnished names searching for life
    those who seek their life

  • 284

    When hearts weld into pasts
    time turns thin as glass mirrors
    ancestors view freedom

  • 277

    The year 2020
    time’s hope of some wanted insight
    became a vision lost

  • 278

    His eyes, ears, and spirit
    work through us as we become
    His hands, voice, and heart

  • 279

    Pure lovingkindness
    pours from alabaster hearts
    shaped by a friend’s hand

  • 280

    The purest scents of green
    are not essences shaped in cash
    but divine mists of earth

  • 273

    Wind carries us about
    into dark strange lands we once feared
    but His spirit gives peace

  • 274

    Rock is our steady strength
    until we carve out our statures
    and find real salvation

  • 275

    Some call me a sheep
    not so bad when I ponder—
    who’s the Lamb of God!

  • 276

    I pray all my kid’s pains
    will all be transferred to me
    as I learned from Jesus

  • 269

    Obfuscation is
    our lazy means to avoid
    real obligation

  • 270

    Kindness is the balm
    to mend all our broken hearts
    crushed by 2020

  • 271

    Our spirits radiate
    warm flames of hope—born within
    lights of Jesus Christ

  • 272

    Water is our life
    till we unearth our own wells
    finding Living Water

  • 265

    Why do so many
    imperfect people demand
    perfection in us?

  • 266

    Why do so many
    unhappy people demand
    a smile from us?

  • 267

    Volume never shapes
    an untruth into a truth
    it only diverts

  • 268

    Anger never heals
    a painful wound or spirit
    it only divides

  • 261

    Our impatient actions
    crush a wilderness of splendor
    wrecks of rusting iron

  • 262

    The deepest darkest mine
    protects the most valuable gem
    buried within us all

  • 263

    The greatest black cloud
    electrifies skies with water
    pumping through us all

  • 264

    Limitless spending
    molds an endless election
    into living hell

  • 257

    Angels warble loud
    as clouds of red-winged blackbirds
    expecting her death

  • 258

    All of our kept sorrows
    vanish in His of mists of mercy
    tears we shed together

  • 259

    All pains of earthly wars
    will melt in earth’s dark rot of soil
    entombed in rocks of truth

  • 260

    God’s patient response
    floats gently as a thousand
    butterfly kisses

  • 253

    Full moon’s silver light
    skips on waves of mountain lakes
    dancing strings on tent walls

  • 254

    Darkened sapphire skies
    absorb all your climbing sweats
    in thin airs of respect

  • 255

    Water, air, light, and life
    travel or transform with seasons
    rocks stand indifferent

  • 256

    Waves of rolling time
    wash across fresh sands of life
    breathe free forever

  • 249

    snapping a grandchild’s photo
    before morphing despair

  • 250

    Songs of a soft night
    carry me away in dreams
    which come alive in time

  • 251

    Birds like endless stars
    nest inside God’s loving branches
    sheltered from sun and storm

  • 252

    Echoes in canyon walls
    mock deep your shallow voices
    from lost—forlorn spirits

  • 245

    Christ’s mission in courage
    justifies tears of countless souls
    looking for a homeland

  • 246

    Lucifer’s cowardice
    opens the vault to his minions
    seeking only friendship

  • 247

    Why did our news retreat—
    into deep combative quarrels?
    When we stopped believing?

  • 248

    Description goes hereWhy did our ears retreat
    into sealed vaults of inattention
    When we stopped learning?

  • 241

    Fossils leave entombed
    death’s final acts of good or bad
    how will death sculpt you?

  • 242

    Stories leave inscribed
    life’s enduring acts of courage
    how will life author you?

  • 243

    Before I can become
    the firm and unmovable rock
    I must flow like water

  • 244

    Rivers can only carve
    with beauty and curves of grace
    in bedrock’s stubborn stone

  • 237

    Defending a free land
    while ignoring poor and hungry
    defines our bondage

  • 238

    Strength’s not armed power
    it’s the hand’s strong ability
    to care, feed, and heal

  • 239

    The sky is our passion
    exploring unknown mysteries
    if only in a dream

  • 240

    Do we ever know
    where charms of hummingbirds
    sleep upon weary nights?

  • 233

    Who would have ever thought—
    I would live when talk show hosts
    are revered as prophets

  • 234

    Ancient red rock slabs
    torn from times fraying cliff face
    now pay reverence to home

  • 235

    Never doubt your powers
    reflecting good light in darkness
    a full moon never doubts

  • 236

    Good light is shadowed when
    blocked by amassing ignorance
    a new moon understands

  • 229

    Live like authentic rocks
    Don’t dwell upon rolling sand dunes—
    voices drifting in winds

  • 230

    Yellow daffodils
    rise faithfully every spring
    born again sprouts of hope

  • 231

    River’s edge cuts forest
    greens in two—feeding each side
    peace flows between friends

  • 232

    We are only starting
    to learn the malicious powers
    lurking within one tweet

  • 225

    At times I fall homesick—
    oft for a place I’ve never been
    always with my one love

  • 226

    Deception, distraction
    division, and discouragement—
    our defeats of darkness

  • 227

    An ultra-fine crossing
    when your mouth's controlled by masses
    and not your inner self

  • 228

    Consider the lilies…
    no toil, spin, pride, God’s glory!
    Why do men wear neckties?

  • 221

    Lies become adornments
    swanky attired ignorance
    wrapping weak—fearful minds

  • 222

    Winds of our future
    can level weakly built designs
    or lift you like a kite

  • 223

    Teach children a future
    in faith, truth, kindness, and courage—
    because you will need it!

  • 224

    Learn from your children
    tolerance and diversity—
    because they will need that!

  • 217

    Half of all I say:
    is brilliance—or malarkey
    you figure out which half…

  • 218

    Half of all I do:
    is genius—or shenanigans
    you figure out which half…

  • 219

    Half of the people
    feel they deserve entitlement
    the rest bless every gift

  • 220

    Ends are like beginnings
    but the very final end—
    is the best beginning!

  • 213

    Earth bleeds in hot crimson
    lava flows—not in pain but joy
    recycled finale

  • 214

    Nature can reclaim
    anything—given enough time
    we must make more time

  • 215

    I was once a goat
    mountain goats thrive on lone peaks
    above all the bears

  • 216

    How can we improve?
    Perfection’s impossible—
    progression’s easy!

  • 209

    The final eagle song
    fills steep canyon walls of purple
    with dusk’s last embrace

  • 210

    The tallest trees on earth
    outlast masses of other trees
    because of nests they embrace

  • 211

    Nature cries out in palls
    for one more young courageous voice
    to harmonize with her

  • 212

    Lightning’s silver forks
    impale skies with needful fume
    nurturing greener life

  • 205

    Oceans rage in dark storm
    but life buried deep—silently
    sway in life’s giving flows

  • 206

    Stars fall from the sky
    elegant streams of divine lights
    but night remains full

  • 207

    The maps which we follow
    shape life’s course, guiding us to draw
    nobler maps we can share

  • 208

    As mountains embrace age
    their beauty flows more graceful
    variety shares splendor

  • 201

    Veils of our mind
    shroud a deep inner wisdom
    born in boundless pasts

  • 202

    Voles turn my meadows
    to knotted paths of twisted chaos
    not unlike politics

  • 203

    Trails lead us to
    a deeper understanding
    of our secret self

  • 204

    Waterfalls cast our eyes
    upward into bright bowed skies
    not down in rocky pools