My Haiku 101-200

  • 197

    Perfection is a meal
    (four-course gastronomic delights)
    best served to just yourself

  • 198

    Imperfections unite
    us all together in works of
    fumbled—endearing love

  • 199

    Our flaws and fat tongues
    our learnings of how to love
    draw me into the flock

  • 200

    Looking beyond us all—
    to our far divine potentials
    only brings us to God

  • 193

    If you stay flexible
    in an uncompromising world
    softer doors will open

  • 194

    Texting and media
    have evolved our thumbs well
    while our speech devolves

  • 195

    The secret of marriage
    is knowing there are no secrets
    within the number one

  • 196

    a restoration of lost loves
    beginning with your own

  • 189

    Tread lightly on earth
    with lovingkindness—then it will
    tread lightly on you

  • 190

    We’re hunter-gatherers
    she gathers her family names
    while I hunt for words

  • 191

    What a wife purchases
    for herself is sacred—no worries!
    Husbands buy vanity…

  • 192

    Seashells are a life’s shape
    left in lasting polished colors.
    What shapes will we leave?

  • 185

    Can the ocean be tamed?
    Computers surrender in blue
    I can crash anything!

  • 186

    Names sleep in old papers
    waiting for a kind—loving eye
    to wake in reunion

  • 187

    Names become real people
    reunited with lost stories
    embedded in our hearts

  • 188

    Departed bless founders
    with loving hands of protection
    two hearts unearth power

  • 181

    Autumn owns the light—
    air and sound bow down humbly
    to color’s last farewell

  • 182

    Forgiveness is timid
    cautiously waiting on the time—
    which vanishes too soon

  • 183

    My faults are countless!
    my only hopes stream higher—
    than my knack to count

  • 184

    Redemption is a grace
    beyond my short sight or grasp
    tangled in my ego

  • 177

    Satan’s greatest muscle:
    giving pleasure in the short-term—
    then turning his cold back

  • 178

    Winter feasts upon
    my stored harvests of summer
    leaving me gaunt—empty

  • 179

    Spring radiates hope
    over thawing puddles of dark
    blessing again—green life

  • 180

    Summer sky’s flood us all
    in sun’s redemption of fervor
    drifting minds back to snow

  • 173

    Stop watching so much news
    now transformed into arguments
    despair craves loud dispute

  • 174

    I close both my eyes
    from above I see the thickets
    now I can find my path

  • 175

    There are only three things
    which resent all regulation—
    guns, water, and dogs

  • 176

    is never true reality
    your family is real

  • 169

    If you think your lows are
    higher—more worthy than others
    your empathy curved blind

  • 170

    How smart is politics?
    without science, always wanting
    never one step ahead!

  • 171

    Love may cause us to lie
    but lies coagulate into
    our slaughters of love

  • 172

    Fresh snow painted peaks
    slice the indigo skyline
    white serrated knives

  • 165

    What ladders will you
    sacrifice—to help one other
    who has fallen from one?

  • 166

    Dreams drift upon clouds
    grey—in our insecurities
    white—chasing destinies

  • 167

    I’m all in for teamwork
    as long as everybody knows
    I’m completely in charge

  • 168

    We travel so distant
    to escape, but only rarely
    while most escapes drift near

  • 161

    It is not mere chance
    the first things that children write:
    love notes with red hearts

  • 162

    What words will cry upward
    from depths of mounding soils
    to mold your epitaph

  • 163

    If all our energy
    spun from winds and basked under sun—
    where would all the wars go?

  • 164

    Everyone has a role
    in the plays of society
    they just need acceptance

  • 157

    My armor is nicked
    scored in life’s harsh encounters
    but still forged in hope

  • 158

    Life is like a meadow
    late in my years, it settles down
    boundless wildflowers

  • 159

    When does a butterfly
    ever look back with regrets
    on their pre-mortal life

  • 160

    Raising drug prices
    on lifesaving remedies
    only heals Satan

  • 153

    Our thumbs have mutated
    to shrieking tongues of bitterness
    like daggers—piercing hearts

  • 154

    Each byte of data
    read—ignored—or deleted
    burns away more sky

  • 155

    How much ill-gotten wealth
    flows from all the world’s addictions?
    craves of gold thrives in hell

  • 156

    I am not a sexist!
    I equally accept guidance
    from both God and my wife

  • 149

    Worlds of love and pain
    evaporate after our death
    to loves devoid of pain

  • 150

    Nature never lies—
    but paints over our ignorance
    in the best truths she can

  • 151

    A bald child with a cap
    tears my heart to tears of anguish
    cancer’s torment of pasts

  • 152

    Don’t divide up people
    if you must—divide by zero
    then one turns infinite

  • 145

    For those bullied snowflakes—
    at least you have white-hot courage
    to stand with those unique

  • 146

    Escape into dreams
    if only for a moment
    moments grow like trees

  • 147

    They drove us all out
    as American refugees
    now—we close the doors

  • 148

    Dipstick of my heart
    pleas the need for a re-fill
    of your patient smile

  • 141

    Floods of information
    taught a lonely planet how to
    never communicate

  • 142

    Pure selfless service
    can obscure all words of doubts
    with joys beyond mind

  • 143

    Diversity dances
    in unity of uniqueness
    beauty in variety

  • 144

    Cold steel shackles
    of unresolved hate and sin
    will slice deep in your skin

  • 137

    Friendly ocean waves
    swiftly expunge my footprints
    treading dark edges

  • 138

    Evenings and mornings
    play fine, but the in-betweens
    are starch and fillers

  • 139

    So—is a zip line
    a thrill on a cable, or
    a trail in the sky?

  • 140

    Indoor staff meeting
    intensely terrifying

  • 133

    Hate cultivates fear
    truth is the seed of all faith
    faith obliterates fear

  • 134

    Despots crave attention
    fear is the fuel of all power
    who’s focus is attention

  • 135

    Darkness and evil
    offer a vast support group
    easing new membership

  • 136

    Kindness and humanity
    offer a vast support group
    walking behind you

  • 129

    My wife worked hard at home
    building a family and shelter—
    truest of home builders

  • 130

    Lay upon flat rock—
    feel it absorb all your pain
    as you warm up earth

  • 131

    Those who trust in God’s
    eminent coming of glory
    don’t build walls to block refuge

  • 132

    A daughter streamed Beetlejuice
    in her delivery room of tears—
    she named her Lydia!

  • 125

    Inequality cheers
    loud, reckless, and arrogant when
    net-worth drowns out self-worth

  • 126

    Free enterprise erects
    enemies to consecration—
    For God invests in us!

  • 127

    When you get in bed at night:
    Do you still believe there could be
    monsters lying beneath?

  • 128

    Are you more useful—
    to the world about you
    than your heartless money?

  • 121

    Contrived wars create
    prosperity to the wealthy
    more poverty to poor

  • 122

    Whoever thought there would
    be people fleeing our country—
    as troubled refugees

  • 123

    Ten syncopated sneezes
    like jackhammers, I pound each day
    reminders of my mom

  • 124

    Dams of old white men fail
    floods in democracy’s power
    when you wake up and vote

  • 117

    Things that help you sleep:
    Snuggles, seashores, cool air, blankets
    rain dancing on a tent

  • 118

    My early morning window
    splashes my night with energy
    greeting the day in bliss

  • 119

    My sky’s sapphire eyes
    weeps in palls of pewter tears
    scorching tomorrows

  • 120

    I’m a pluviophile—
    a lover of the peace of rains—
    the clean airs calm my mind

  • 113

    God’s creations sing
    His love for us—do our works
    sing the same song for Him?

  • 114

    Tooth decay can be filled
    but insidious truth decay—
    a pit of ignorance

  • 115

    Every star cloaking us
    a fraction of the work and joy—
    God invests in us all

  • 116

    Steel swords tempered
    in our trial forges of time
    fight forever bright

  • 109

    One slight drop of rain
    kissing the ocean is like a
    candle struck by the sun

  • 110

    One oil lamp of hope—
    dangles in a dream from the
    rafters of tribulation

  • 111

    Sweat pours in the climb
    lungs pump as diesel pistons
    breathing like a train

  • 112

    A country cries out
    pains incised in selfish egos
    in discords lay the wounded

  • 105

    God weeps in my rain
    and that makes Him beautiful
    delicate and strong

  • 106

    Those who deport the
    innocent—in the end, will be
    deported by innocent

  • 107

    One convenience yields—
    two plastic grocery bags dangling
    upon a barbed-wire fence

  • 108

    One expensive drink yields—
    a plastic bottlenecked buoy
    upon a sun glanced beach

  • 101

    Once a soft baby face
    pickled in the brines of the sun
    now I’m older than I am

  • 102

    Sky strips misting lakes
    purified by evanescence
    rains pour redemption

  • 103

    Virtual trials and verdicts
    never die when convicted by
    peers, on social media

  • 104

    How frustrating again—
    forgetting a close name in dry
    winds of my misplaced mind