My Haiku 1-100

  • 97

    Hobbled by indifference—
    it takes years to fix the harm of
    minutes of ideocracy

  • 98

    Our wealthiest country
    is only as rich as its touch
    on the bellies of its poor

  • 99

    Deep purple lilacs
    capture my nose into their clasps
    to forgive me from me

  • 100

    I was invented
    to observe life from a strange—
    divergent angle

  • 93

    Ancient burdens compress
    sandstone alcoves weeping in time
    hanging waves of green life

  • 94

    Our lives are more about
    full and enduring connections
    than siphoned traditions

  • 95

    Dark chocolate catharsis—
    melts away the hardtack grinds
    exempt from any guilts

  • 96

    The strongest of all walls
    is an open wall—enclosing
    a nation of righteous

  • 89

    Speckled Northwoods lakes
    flecks of blue clothed in green pine
    puddles on granite wings

  • 90

    Caring for the earth
    is causally related to
    caring for the poor

  • 91

    Caring for the rich
    is causally related to
    caring for politicians

  • 92

    The joy in a child’s face
    cliffside they play in rappels
    bringing warmth to lonely stone

  • 85

    Perhaps in the end—
    we become judged more by how we
    change and accept change

  • 86

    Technical writing plants
    poisonous toadstools—lurking
    in creative writing

  • 87

    Words are slowly dying
    in snaps of billiard ball breaks
    muddled rolls of emojis

  • 88

    We are the taller force
    prepared to stand up against—
    equal or greater loads

  • 81

    Killdeer shrieks warn loud
    pointed wingtips slice winds o’er me
    I’ll tread a wider birth

  • 82

    Talus rockslide dreams
    young majesty died in listing
    angles of sharp repose

  • 83

    Imagine quilted peace—
    stitched words of quiet knowledge
    covers reckless word filth

  • 84

    Shattered fine sandy sieves
    now filter my turbid waters
    in friendly teamwork

  • 77

    I had “free-range” parents
    wandering upon their blessings
    I grew up sure—like oak

  • 78

    Lonely pink desert phlox
    blooms in dry red rocky cactus
    pricking dreary parchments

  • 79

    When I was younger
    I could squat effortlessly—now
    I can’t touch the floor

  • 80

    Don’t allow small tremors
    to sink in his liquefactions
    of your body, mind, or soul

  • 73

    A mine shaft’s head frame
    skeleton silhouette masks
    lonely painted sunsets

  • 74

    A mining ghost town
    shuddered in age, awakens to
    skiers on his shaven slopes

  • 75

    Ruins of old brick walls
    cry in graffiti epitaphs
    for one good memory

  • 76

    The darkest night can be
    illuminated with pure light
    but grey days quench all sun

  • 69

    A rare, peculiar place
    where flowers journey to bloom—
    in Death Valley paintings

  • 70

    When in doubt, always
    remember a higher power—
    all-seeing eyes of Google

  • 71

    I’m a numbered ball
    tumbling in a lottery machine
    who is never picked

  • 72

    The wings of left and right
    converge on a far darker loop of
    powers draining free will

  • 65

    Unknown histories
    of water pouring from your tap—
    blood, money, conflict, lies

  • 66

    When you have been hurt
    assist and comfort all others
    whose aches drown your own

  • 67

    Cave cricket’s live life blind—
    notwithstanding your many snags
    many unseen live worse

  • 68

    To disarm those conflicts
    which have festered forever
    choke up apology

  • 61

    Blackbird’s midnight wings
    painted by brushes of darkness
    quietly crowd the wire

  • 62

    It’s still impossible—
    to prove the non-existence of
    something which does not exist

  • 63

    Our God and our guns—
    as incompatible—as
    our God is our guns

  • 64

    Become a writer—
    find peace and enlightenment
    with no internet

  • 57

    I pause on a ridge
    searching for the next rock man—
    a cairn to point my way

  • 58

    Do not allow your strengths
    to become your weaknesses—
    water smooths all rock

  • 59

    Why are we so fearful
    of failure and its possessions?
    For time swills all mistakes

  • 60

    Lonely spaces need rest
    from photons soaking in décors.
    Turn off annoying lights!

  • 53

    Like hustling semi-trucks
    dragging airs, pulling me along—
    I run in my wife’s wake

  • 54

    Columbines blossom
    in nature’s pride—but I close
    in my timid green home

  • 55

    Lichens on the rocks
    live with rock, in sundry colors—
    we all sit on the rock

  • 56

    Don’t let your intellect
    stumble over your wisdom—
    flowers always seek sun

  • 49

    If I could consume
    all the secrets of the deep blue
    I would still be lost

  • 50

    The smartest people
    never need to tell others—
    that they are smart

  • 51

    Stars flood emptiness
    green moss covers damp shadows
    books still have blank pages

  • 52

    How long does it take—
    for us to grasp naturally—
    our place in the wild

  • 45

    Awoke so early
    to see the super blue blood moon!
    Alas, eclipsed by clouds

  • 46

    Can we find at least
    as much faith in God—as He
    has faith in all of us

  • 47

    The Tree of Life—
    a mammoth book of red edits
    pages ripe with our fruits

  • 48

    Grains of sand on Earth
    cannot begin to number
    stars in the universe

  • 41

    Look deep into sand’s
    painted cosmos of spreading life
    shaped in tiny spirals

  • 42

    Trickle-down theory—
    implodes within economics
    explodes on tongues of hate

  • 43

    Earth is a ball of yarn
    with thread dragging into deep space
    shrinking—tightening us

  • 44

    Whorls of petrified wood
    fingerprints of the ancient’s
    treehouses that endured

  • 37

    Clean drinking water
    flows uphill—through the countless
    green pipes of greed

  • 38

    Campfires crackle
    old typewriters pounding words
    warm and kind friendships

  • 39

    The mists of green forests
    blend with blue from ocean mists
    beaching foams of teal peace

  • 40

    rainbows glance off of the sun
    but we stay myopic

  • 33

    Judge me like a song—
    played upon the strings of nature
    blindly and softly

  • 34

    Empty all my heart
    over each of my posterity
    as parents poured on me

  • 35

    We are like waters
    quenching the dry dogged deserts
    slowly—but at great cost

  • 36

    Water can be unearthed
    anywhere on the blue planet
    it only needs some green

  • 29

    As I age into greys
    I squander hair where I won’t not
    to sprout in nose and ears

  • 30

    The wilderness thrives—
    but for me, the loneliest place
    thrives in a big city

  • 31

    times [fear of, (truth in science)]
    equals = fascism!

  • 32

    Music is like flight’s
    far-reaching wings of mercy
    pure, true, forgiving

  • 25

    The two-party system—
    disjointed in partisan chaos
    sinks in khaki swamps

  • 26

    Geocaching appeared fun—
    but deep in nature’s wildest shell
    lies secret eggs of trash

  • 27

    If the solution
    to pollution is dilution—
    then how much should I drink?

  • 28

    A ghost town’s stone walls
    whisper on deserted winds
    memoirs of kids dancing

  • 21

    A cold fox dives in our field
    long tail brushed in hoary frost
    a vole gives up its warmth

  • 22

    The spring’s clear flowing pool
    boils up from a white sandy bed
    life from her old mountain

  • 23

    Old firs sway in the winds
    tall, droning with snow-peaked howls
    icy drips, stroke my face

  • 24

    Walking in the light
    has cost me over the years—
    in sunburns and cancer

  • 17

    The night’s full white moon
    rains its ethers through my blinds
    winking at sleeplessness

  • 18

    The greatest invention
    in my thinning skins of age—
    soft, warm polar fleece

  • 19

    After a cold night’s snow
    below our deck, tracks dart out in
    all paths—did they sleep?

  • 20

    On life’s mountain apex
    after all is said and done
    lies fairer green births

  • 13

    Daffodils of peace
    weave golden-haired tranquility
    into aspen meadows

  • 14

    Naked and exposed
    the river rolls her polished stone
    deep into my pocket

  • 15

    Zucchinis, chained on vines
    spread across our garden’s wall
    to feed a neighbor’s door

  • 16

    Deep, primal, and secret
    Oakley artesian water
    colds from a mountain’s heart

  • 9

    Toddler in the yard
    dimpled hand—armed with a stone
    launched—into her mouth

  • 10

    Hummingbird energy
    electric blue-green feathers
    igniting nectar’s fuel

  • 11

    The ripened super moon
    juices upon the mountain’s blade
    milk of the starry night

  • 12

    Granite slabbed peaks
    pickled in lively lichen
    await a first climb’s lick

  • 5

    Walking on frosted grass
    engraves long tangled etchings
    when lost on my phone

  • 6

    Scents of warm pouring rains
    rise in tiny greyish decays
    lost vapors of life

  • 7

    Recompressed—from snows
    to ice, now grip warm crystals
    engrained in sandy time

  • 8

    Walking across emerald
    greens of an alpine sodden bog
    I emerge—one shoe lost

  • 1

    Words need some warming-up
    stretching muscles—transforming like
    stirring words of yoga

  • 2

    My mind’s roundabout
    rolls in every direction, from
    simple bags of marbles

  • 3

    The goats leap about
    high—over each other’s backs
    and into the ditch

  • 4

    The sun spills itself
    over dark purpled mesas
    drizzles of pouring gold