I’m a Stranger in a Strange Land

Part 1 — A Friend on the Mountain

 the days are getting shorter now
as dark storms spin a cunning entrance
gathering fears below my autumn realm
I feel a wintriness seep into my bones
as his suffocating shadows gather about
binding me in obscuring spells of anger
his hoary pollutions settle upon my valley
begging my harmless spirit to dissolve
into his deep bogs of infectious despair
but just when my last lights begin to wilt
when I’m abandoned in his dins of futility
I look up—to resolute mountains of truth
to a rockwork immune to callous erosion
to alpine springs flowing cold divine waters
effervescent with living lights of pure faith
and by securing my life rope to a surer hope
to a friend who can rescue my weary soul
I breathe in His clear—gentle airs of freedom
and learn from His peaceful words of grace
I may feel lonely—but I am never alone


The Poor in Spirit

