My Poetry and Prose Blogology

My Avalanche of Darkness
“it begins with a quiet sensation / the odd feel of a distal tremor / then it quickly descends into a panic of total emotional abandonment and physical desperation”

Shores of Mercy
“Of all the dreams I could’ve dreamt—
I hesitated—tumbling numb into another
cavern—mined in my own bastions of fear…”

Beyond the Reality Stars
“I stand at the precipice of forever
where I can freely choose my destiny—”

Children of Peace
“sculpting peace requires only a few small words
words mirrored in the divine gifts of happiness
but unleashed—fierce tongues spew evil spells…”

Endless Stars of Hope
“blessings yearn for steady streams of pure hearts
patiently refined in the flames of God’s Spirit
hearts that grew up—suffering in the furnace of life…”

Hunger Hurts Hearts
“if your heart is hurting—avoid the machines—
social media, pundits, politicos, reality TV
prophets who mold nations on indignations…”

I’m a Stranger in a Strange Land
“the days are getting shorter now
as dark storms spin a cunning entrance
gathering fears below my autumn realm…”

Starfish Wishes
"merciless breakers of rolling rage
born beneath lost—lonely rainbows
churn deep colors into hoary froths..."

Three Superpowers
“this divine therapy shaped me well—
three indomitable powers of time
molded into water, ice, and wind…”

Small Again
“there are times—I wish I could be small again
holding tight to azure dreams of an old friend
a mind—that once reliably waited on my voice
in dark partitions of my steely—spinning fears”