My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Shores of Mercy
“Of all the dreams I could’ve dreamt—
I hesitated—tumbling numb into another
cavern—mined in my own bastions of fear…”

Funeral for a Friend
“as we wander along the glistening beaches of life
our weary footsteps imprint into sands of time…”

Hunger Hurts Hearts
“if your heart is hurting—avoid the machines—
social media, pundits, politicos, reality TV
prophets who mold nations on indignations…”

Billions and Billions
"how many of your beloved stars do you know—
who stare through the cold molasses of night..."
WEBB NGC-604 photo courtesy of NASA and STScI

Starfish Wishes
"merciless breakers of rolling rage
born beneath lost—lonely rainbows
churn deep colors into hoary froths..."

My Water Cycle
“I love to watch the leaves change
then tumble into grass-wrapped fingers
of vibrant but obscure autumn streams…”

“friendly ocean waves
swiftly expunge my footprints”
Photo courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson rcoakley.com