My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Tanka, Short Poetry Doug W. Evans Tanka, Short Poetry Doug W. Evans


We could save so many lives, not to mention significant money, if we learned how to turn our deep-seated political anger and division into something peaceful. With some effort—such massive energy could become beautiful!

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My Water Cycle
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

My Water Cycle

“I love to watch the leaves change
then tumble into grass-wrapped fingers
of vibrant but obscure autumn streams…”

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A Silver Solitude
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

A Silver Solitude

“once, I labored deep—in a massive silver mine
packed in the rusted vise of a sinking cage
we quickly plunged down a vertical mineshaft”

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Lest We Forget
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Lest We Forget

“in the end—we realize we never noticed the beauty

—because we were too busy trying to create it “

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