My Poetry and Prose Blogology

What’s in a Name?
"dark waters haunt me—
with my Scottish name—Douglas
meaning dark river..."

Three Superpowers
“this divine therapy shaped me well—
three indomitable powers of time
molded into water, ice, and wind…”

Rivers Don’t Flow Straight
“rivers don’t flow straight
shaped by curls of daunting earth
challenges spread life”

The Nth River
“the final flows of our weary sky-blue rivers
turbid from stretches of exasperated erosion
stirred up in colors of boundless branches
will gracefully empty into an endless ocean”

My Water Cycle
“I love to watch the leaves change
then tumble into grass-wrapped fingers
of vibrant but obscure autumn streams…”

I Am a River
“conspiracies are dark dams of shallow minds
but hope and light are soft falls of a deeper love”
Photo and inspiration courtesy of my friend Charlie Lansche CharlieLansche.com

Nature’s Song
“did you hear the earth sigh
beneath her ginger yarns of dawn
have you crystal courage to hear
the harmonies of her sacred song”

The Mist
“I’m blessed to flow with such waters and drink
from their clear tonics of peace and reassurance”
Photo by my friend Charlie Lansche— lastchancegallery.com