My Poetry and Prose Blogology

Starfish Wishes
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Starfish Wishes

"merciless breakers of rolling rage
born beneath lost—lonely rainbows
churn deep colors into hoary froths..."

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Be The Now
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

Be The Now

“peacemakers are artists of time
sculpting the present moment
as they brush over drab melancholy”

Photo and inspiration courtesy of my friend Rod Sorenson

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The Darkness Between Lights
Poetry Doug W. Evans Poetry Doug W. Evans

The Darkness Between Lights

“I am the forlorn spirit
a burdened dimension
shaped by wintry flows
of an invisible presence”

Webb Telescope photo of Tarantula Nebula courtesy of NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

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